Traveling is fantastic. If you’ve never had the travel bug hit you!!!, or feel just a little apprehensive planning a trip to a country you’ve never been to . Tourism allows wealth to be injected into a community in a variety of ways. Tourism supports the conservation of the local area. And some Africans countries are trying to build tourism among their citizens as it was always reserved for western population to travel and enjoy the nature themselves while many Africans were not aware of this relaxing activity. Some local and foreign tourists visiting some beautiful places in Rwanda Here we are going in Africa specifically in Rwanda as our case study to see how this country is surely motivated to tell Rwandans to participate in “ Tembera u Rwanda’ in local language aimed at motivating Rwandans to explore their own country and put the spotlight on domestic travel .  Camping is also another interesting activity that local people can enjoy a lot! Nyungwe canopy...


Let us first look on what is a bird: A bird is animal with feathers and wings. Birds are the only animals with feathers, although some other animals, such as insects and bats, also have wings. Nearly all birds can fly, and even flightless birds, such as ostriches and penguins, evolved from flying ancestors.

A type of a bird: black-headed heron

Have you ever seen flocks of geese flying South in the Fall? Have you heard them honking? Have you wondered why they are flying in a formation that looks like a "V"? Have you wondered where they are going?
They, and many other birds, are migrating and you've come to the right place to learn about migration!

Each species migrates at a certain time of year and time of day. Some are very irregular in their migration patterns

Bird migration:

Many bird species undergo annual migrations moving from a breeding area to a non breeding area. Migration helps birds to have continuous sources of food and water avoiding competition (within the species or with others species) for foods and  by avoiding being predated, parasitism, and regime of temperature and daylight. Migration is forced by physiological factors that trigger migration, competition and Environment (harsh or suitable).

How birds know it is time to migrate?

When it is time to migrate, Endocrine sends message to the brain and some hormone develop bird appetite and they eat to increase energy intake and start migrating
Some of the most spectacular bird migrations are made by seabirds, which fly across oceans and along coastlines, sometimes traveling 32,000 km (20,000 mi) or more in a single year.

How birds manage to migrate?

Migrating birds use a variety of cues to find their way; these include use of the earth’s magnetic field, the positions of the sun during the day and the stars at night or even of the moon; and visual, olfactory, and auditory landmarks. The strict formations in which many birds fly help them on the journey. For example, migrating birds include: geese, white stock, kingfisher and cranes their migration is in a V-shaped formation, which enables all of these migrating birds except the leader to take advantage of the updrafts generated by the flapping wings of the bird in front. Young birds of many species undertake their first autumn migration with no guidance from experienced adults. These inexperienced birds do not necessarily reach their destinations; many birds stray in the wrong direction and are sometimes observed thousands of kilometers away from their destinations.

Birds migrate in order to breed, grow, find food or avoid cold weather

 Some terms in bird migration:

1. Passage migrant:

 This occurs when a bird is passing from stopping over to another place.

2. Vagrant migrant:

This occurs when a bird reaches a good weather (with enough food), this also can happen due to natural catastrophes and this can end up by a species to be lost

3. Ab-migration:

This occurs when a lost species joins another flock to continue migration


1. Bird-watching (avi-tourism)

Is the fastest growing outdoor recreational activity, for example in South Africa a penguin colony near Cape Town attracted 200,000 people in 1996-1997; bird-watching also generate employment in tour guiding and Researches

 Bird-watching is the second largest hobby (gardening is the first) in North America with over 31 million participants

2. Pollination

Most food crops are pollinated by birds and would fail to set seeds on fruits in their absence; for example Sunbird pollinated have tubular shape denies other pollinators

3. Pest control- Predators (birds)
They regulate numbers of potential pests (save and billions), for example some birds as swallows, starling-insects, caterpillars or crickets that are harmful to agriculture products they are controlled by Rosy Starling, Owl is also a rodent control and some of Eagles control snake population

4. Birds as indicator of Habitat
For example Honey guides, lead hunters and gathers, some Vultures clean environment by removing carcasses.


Bird hazards (strikes) at the Airports and flight, by impacting the windscreen and or ingested into the engines. Here Management must apply some controls for example by removing all the trees- nesting, or removing all seed bearing plants near the Airports, also they can use radar to track the movement of and flock size of the birds.

Bird strike cause accident to the jets by entering is engines: it has been reported that birds love to go the the airports for food, shelter and safety from the predators

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily of the scientific study


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